Enables faster and better decision making across your entire organization.
Companies need the agile ability to immediately discover key insights and be enabled to rapidly take informed and data-driven action. trueChart is designed to do just that for businesses where consistency of reporting on key information is critical.
trueChart reduces the time it takes for both the report writer, and the consumer to review and understand the content by fully supporting the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS®) in any enterprise environment.
trueChart is a powerful cross platform tool, available for Qlik, Power BI and Jedox. Cut down costs thanks to datapoint dependent commenting processes. Our customer QIAGEN confirms: “We have realized up to 70% time savings in setting up reportings, just as much efficiency”. Daniel Grünebaum, Senior Director Controlling, QIAGEN GmbH.
trueChart for QlikSense ®
trueChart for QlikSense ®, just as its other versions, allows commenting right directly in the charts. This is how the bothersome screen-shooting and collecting can be eliminated.
Moreover, trueChart enables you to benefit from the IBCS ® standardized visualization. This way, images can be created and understood in an instant. Moreover, various templates, and the menubar that you are already familiar with, makes trueChart an outstanding tool for your daily work!

International Business Communication Standards (IBCS ® )
These standards are practical suggestions for the design of reports, presentations, dashboards, as well as charts and tables contained therein. This involves the conception of the content, the visual perception and the application of a semantic notation. As depicted below, the charts on the left present a standard design, whereas the charts on the right are IBCS-standards conform.